Mihail Voicu, Professor emeritus
Systems Theory & Automatic Control







 My Books

 My Papers

 Main Results

 PhD Students


   C. V.




 My Books

Monographs (selection)

*   Voicu M., Stability Analysis Techniques of the Automatic Control Systems (in Romanian).
Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1986; 390 pp.

*   Voicu M., Multivariable Automatic Control Systems (in Romanian).
Editura „Gh. Asachi” (new name Politehnium), (ISBN 973 95650 8 5),
Iaşi, 1993; 264 pp.

*   Voicu M., Systems Theory with Applications in Medical Bioengineering (in Romanian).
Editura „Gh. Asachi” (new name Politehnium) (ISBN 973 8050 71 5),
Iaşi, 2001; 220 pp.

*   Voicu M, Pastravanu O., Non - Recursive Models in Control System Analysis and Design.
Editura Dosoftei (ISBN 973 9135 31 5),
Iaşi, 1997; 144 pp. (LCOC); based on the Scientific Report of European Research Grant No. ERB3510PL920636 / 93

*   Voicu M. (Ed.), Advances in Automatic Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 1-4020-7607-X), International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 754, Boston, 2004; 456 pp.

*   Gabko P., Kopacek P., Voicu M. (Eds), Computer Science Topics in Automatic Control Engineering Education, Vienna University of Technology,1993; SEFI Documents, No. 10/1993 (ISBN 2 87352 012 4), Bruxelles, 243 pp.

*  Voicu M., Systems Theory (in Romanian). Editura Academiei Române (ISBN 978-973-27-1673-1), Bucureşti, 2008, 416 pp. English Translation

     Book chapters (selection)

*  Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Eigenvalues assignment method based on non-recursive linear models.
In V. Barbu (Ed.), Differential Equations and Control Theory, Logman, 1991, pp. 264-272

*  Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Componentwise asymptotic stability induced by symmetrical polyhedral       time-dependent constraints. In V. Barbu et al. (Ed.), Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, IFIP Series, vol. 249, Boston, 2003, pp. 433-442

*   Păstrăvanu O., Voicu M., Componentwise asymptotic stability - from flow-invariance to Lyapunov functions. In M. Voicu (Ed.), Advances in Automatic Control; Kluwer Acad. Publ., Boston, 2004; pp. 257 – 270

*  Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Setting up the reference input in sliding motion control and its closed-loop tracking performance. In M. Voicu (Ed.), Advances in Automatic Control; Kluwer Acad. Publ., Boston, 2004; pp. 383-392

*     Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Flow-invariance method in control – a survey of some results. In M. Voicu (Ed.), Advances in Automatic Control; Kluwer Acad. Publ., Boston, 2004; pp. 393 - 434

Textbooks (selection)

*   Voicu M., Systems Theory (in Romanian). Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi, 1980; 589 pp. (2 vol.).

*   Voicu M., Asandei D., Telemechanics (in Romanian). Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi, 1982; 185 pp.

*   Voicu M., Silion R., Păstrăvanu O., Codreanu C., Grigoraş V., Library for numerical applications in Systems Theory (in Romanian). Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi, 1984; 320 pp.

*   Voicu M., Lazăr C., Control Systems for Industrial Robots (in Romanian). Institutul Politehnic din Iaşi, 1987; 230 pp.

*   Voicu M., Păstrăvanu O., Schönberger F., Ferariu L., Exercises for Introduction in Automatic Control (in Romanian). Editura Matrixrom (ISBN 973 685 135 4), Bucureşti, 2000; 220 pp.

*   Voicu M., Introduction in Automatic Control (in Romanian), second edition. Editura POLIROM (ISBN 973 681 111 5), Iaşi, 2002; XIV+264 pp.